Working with Teams

We are, whether we like it or not, fundamentally relational. Team working is a critical component of any company’s success. It underpins a company’s purpose, vision and strategic goals. Put simply, organisations never realise their long term aspirations if they do not learn to work effectively together in teams.

Teamwork is about spirit. It is not just an intellectual exercise. Teams, like individuals, come alive when they are engaged with a sense of purpose and vision that excites and engages them.

During this workshop we explore the definition of teams and the fundamentals of team effectiveness. We work with participants own experience of team working in their organizations and how to spot shortcomings in team effectiveness. We experience team working during the workshop and we help people understand their own style and way of contributing to a team. We integrate each of these elements such that the participants own experience of team effectiveness becomes an integral part of the workshop:

Our approach to working with teams is systemic and based on this model:

Each participant in this workshop will complete two diagnostics in advance:

- a questionnaire on the effectiveness of existing team practices in their current team / organisation

- a psychometric questionnaire on their own preferences as team “players”Dates and fees – on request

The results of these questionnaires are fed back to participants during the workshop and collective, anonymous data used as part of the workshop discussions.

Dates and fees  - on request